Friday, February 29, 2008

Warhammer 40K

Its been 1 year since i caught the bug.. It all started few years ago, when the release of 40k: DOW brought this to life, my life...
Renown for its exsorbidant price tags and painfully long time to paint.
Yes, i am now a 40K nerd..
Started with the PC game, Book collection, currently massing an army of plastic men and toys which are worth more than many things in the house...
--------Details coming soon------

Thursday, February 28, 2008


A survey from a Melia....

Those Who Dunnit
Farah (me)
Bani gundu
hana ni mo nai
~Scarlet Kiss


- You -

First Name - Kim Yoong
- Kim, Pale, Kimball, Jin Yoong, Snow-White-Man-Version (I remember this,and it still makes me laugh out of the blue)
Name you wish you had - An English name, whatever it may be..
What do people normally mistake your name as - Kim Yong???
Birthday - 8th March 1990 (i was born among all the girl and women to be)** International women's day..
Birthplace - Kajang (If i didn't make it... I would be served with picks... That's why the kajang satay is so famous XD)
Time of Birth
- Morning..
Single or taken - Single
Zodiac sign - Pisces..

-Your Appearance -

How tall are you - 171cm... Averagely short guy... I'm still waiting for that last burst of growth..
Wish you were taller - Yes.. I feel so short among the guys...
Eye color - Brown
Eye color you want - Blue would be nice..
Natural Hair color - Black with scant brown if seen under the sun
Current Hair color - Still black with brown
Short or long hair - Short for girls... Long for school standards ( I can't believe i still remember them
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - No. I don't look that fashion conscious...
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - Cut my own hair??
Glasses or contacts - Pure eyes
Do you wear make-up - Yeap, a few times.. (Few as in less than 5.... so don't make a fuss out of it)
Ever had hair extensions - Nope. my hair is still growing
Paint your nails - Yes, i did it for the lulz!!!! Some time ago... but i did it for it :P

-In the opposite gender-

What color eyes - As long as they have eyes....
What color hair - Anything will do at the moment of thought....
Shy or Outgoing - Outgoing... its hard to date a shy girl... (I know, i always opt for the easy options)
Looks or personality - I'm greedy... So i say both....
Sexy or Cute - Cute when required, Sexy when needed :P
Serious or Fun - Seriously Fun!!!!
Older or Younger than you - Somewhere within my age... I ain't wanna marry a grandmom... neither do i want to nurse a kid on a date... you'll get the picture...
A turn on - Varies.... but anything that can be seen??
A turn off - Lard??

-This or that-

Flowers or Chocolate - I'll take the chocolate.. that's why i give flowers :P
Pepsi or Coke - Coke
Rap or Rock - nope.... non
Relationship or One night stand - Relationship that starts with a night stand??? does that happen???
School or Work - School FTW!!!!! (currently have some working issues)
Love or Money - Loving with money...
Movies or Music - Movies.. has more than 1 motivation point....
Country or City - I'll go for country.. cuz i live in a city??
Sunny or Rainy days - Sunny.... i don't like the rain....
Friends or Family - Both are required...

-Have you ever-

Lied - Duh...
Stole something - Yups....
Smoked - 2nd hand, many times... First hand... No....
Hurt someone close to you - Yeah......
Broke someone's heart - Yeah..... (I know its bad, but it was for the best)
Had you heart broken - It still in 1 piece.. but it had its scratches....
Wondered what was wrong with you - No. not me... just others around me XD
Wish you were a prince/princess - Herm.... don't think so...
Liked someone who was taken - Yeah....
Shaved your head - Not bald... but i did.. You guys still remember it??
Been in love - Don't think its called love anymore....
Used chopsticks - Yes, but not well.... Good enough to eat...
Sang in the mirror to yourself - When you need it, you'll do it.... trust me...


Flower - Real one's that don't die....
Candy - Used to love mentos sour... now its anything i get my hand on...
Song - Boys like girls - Great Escape
Scent - Perfume would do....
Color - Gong Xi Fa Chai Red and Yellow
Movie - The Patriot.. SAW's... Hostels 1 & 2... surprisingly these movies are all 18...
Singer - Any1 that can sing
Word - lulz... FTW...
Junk food - anything that's junk
Website -
Lotion - Nope...
Animal - Dog.. Just the 1 at home....

Ever cried over someone - Yes...
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - Persistence, Perseverances and Tolerance
Do you think you're attractive - Only to certain people... (I used to think i was always attractive XD)
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - Any.. Because the guys are always rich and always gets the girl... why not to have???
Do you play any sports - Tried... Failed...

The rules:-
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people

1. I am not gay. (Its hard to believe... Seriously... I'm Not...)
2. I have a cupboard full of clothes....
3. I failed my driving undang recently.. and passed a week later
4. I am a /b/
5. I am a 40K Nerd...
6. Looking though lenses of the camera is cool to me...
7. I play mahjong
8. I am me....

8 people I tag:

1. Khit yeng.. (cuz she'll remember)
2. Melia (This is from her...)
3. Maine... (you're free right XD)
4. Yuva
5. Ee Wynn

I'll stop at 5.. cuz i haven't upload in ages and i won't know who's here...